Dear People,
So, it is our turn to talk. Yes, this is The Ponytail here dictating this story. Jennie, whose head we are attached to, has a.....well, sometimes-less-than positive attitude about us. Let's just put it all out there. She talks about how we are too thin, too curly, too unmanageable, and on and on. She tells people that WE, her ponytail, are not her best quality. This does NOTHING for our sense of worthiness- let me tell you.
When Jennie was little, we were golden blonde, straight, and glistening! People would ask her in college where she got us colored but we were actually just naturally that color. When she married Kenny we were on display and we were ROCKIN' IT. Well, then came the time she dyed us brown- not a good choice, and then dyed us back to blonde or something along those lines. Over the next few years, we started to get darker on our own and maybe a little less attractive to her so she started getting us highlighted.... and then came the babies. Before baby #1 she got us all chopped off and we got darker and curlier and that is where the real problems began. She started complaining about us to her hairdresser and all she wanted to do was tie us up and get us out of sight. We were not a fan of that. We wanted to be seen! But she would have no part of it. We actually heard her friend Joni, who does her hair, tell her that she spends the least amount of time on us than any of her other clients! We knew we were being neglected but that was ridiculous!
Jennie always said she would only grow us long if she could donate us. We got our hopes up! We thought it would be so amazing to be given to a child who needs a wig because of cancer or other diseases. We waited and waited but all the organizations said we could not be dyed. And then she found out that some organizations make the children pay for the wigs. NO WAY!
Then a few months ago, she found this group called Children with Hair Loss. They take dyed hair! We were in!! And then 18 of her friends said they also wanted to donate their ponytails! We finally had a purpose. That is what we were looking for all along. Jennie says she has better ways to spend her time instead of drying us, straightening us, and all that. We get it- but we just want to be appreciated! And now with all the other ponytails we get to make a trip to Michigan to the headquarters for Children with Hair Loss!
We know we will not be the thickest, most shiny ponytail in the group (even though Jennie is now taking vitamins to make us grow, slathering all kinds of cremes in us to keep us silky smooth, and brushing us gently and carefully as to not lose any of us). But we are ok with that! We might be small, dyed, thin, and not as beautiful as Nicole or Natalie's ponytails but we have something to offer! Every ponytail does!
We wish more people would give up their hair for children who really need it. No ponytail is too small, but it must be at least 8 inches which is not that hard to do. If Jennie can do it, anyone can!
So here is our plea to all the other Jennies out there...will you join our ponytail party and donate? Please? We need more friends to make the trip to Michigan with us. You have time- we will not be long enough until summer! You can give your ponytail to Jennie and she will mail it with the rest of us or you can send it straight to CWHL. Either way, you will make a little boy or girl very happy and your ponytail will feel needed and important.....and if your ponytail is too shy or too short right now, you can give a donation to CWHL to help them make all the beautiful wigs.
The Ponytail
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